Mortar Problems

Why is cement falling out between my bricks?

There can be lots of reasons why the mortar/cement can be falling from your walls here in WA.FIRSTLY if your home was constructed between1980 and .1995 there is a strong chance that the cement was defective or the bricklayer added detergent to the mix.After time moisture is drawn up through the bottom 6 or 7 courses and eventually causesthe mortar to fall out.This is comanlly known as fretting mortar.

Can the joints in my limestone be replaced?

yes the mortar is chopped back twice the depth of the origianl joint.Washed out to remove all debris and repointed with a mixture of sand lime and cement .lime mortar can also be used.

Should i worry about cracks in my bricks?Small cracks are normal with settlement. movement in the footings are the main causes of cracks in walls

Mortar Repairs

Is it possible to fix the mortar falling from my walls?

In a word yes! The mortar can be replaced. This involves removing any loose debris and then cleaning the area with water.The mortar is mixed at a ratio of 3 sand and 1 cement,this is the tricky bit the mortar pointing is matched as cloce as possible using various methods.These include cement blending and using oxides.This is then inserted into the joint and trowled off.A joint to match the original is then used.The area is then brushed and cleaned

Why is the front of my brick falling off?

This is a problem know as fretting/fretting bricks..Water which has salt dissolved in it passes through brickwork to its surface bloeing the front(face) off the brick.

Can crack in my brick walls be fixed?

yes a creck can be stitched with the use of helifix bars.The mortar is cut out from the joint of a depth of 30mm. then washed.Manufactured grout is then installed.A satainless steel bar is inserted into the grout and then repointed with a cament or lime to match the original.

Fretting Bricks

Is mortar falling out a sign of bigger problem's ?

yes it indicates an underlying problem.,Water damage,or poor construction. It is important to address this problem to prevent further damage i.e brick dislodgement. .

What is a lintel?

A lintel in Weastern Australia is a type of Lshaped beam usually 10 mm in thickness that is placed above an opening /window to hold the structure above.

Do i need a structural engineer to replace a lintel? If it is like for like it may not be required, When it comes to lintel repair you are always better off contacting an expert rather than tackling the problem yourself.

Why are there cracks above my window?

Over time steel lintels above your opening if not treated will corrode expand and lift the above brickwork. At this point the lintel needs to be replaced.